Q. Are your designer handbags authentic?

A. YES! Our bags are 100% authentic, 100% genuine, and 100% retail-store quality. They are all exclusively sourced from official resellers of luxury bags (and not the so-called "overstocks" other sites selling non-authentic bags out there). This is why our inventory is always limited and based only on what the official suppliers can give to us.

Q. Are all of your bags available for purchase?

A.  Yes. We will indicate quantities left (in case we have more than one). Not all of them can be replenished so if you see anything you like, go ahead and purchase it or it may be gone forever! In the rare/unexpected case the bag is not available we will either refund or ask you if you wish to purchase another bag from the list.

Q. How soon can I receive my orders?

A. Within Singapore we ship all items within one and three business days after your payment is confirmed. Estimated shipping time is XX days.  You will receive an online tracking shipping number so you can keep track of your order. We use registered mail for all shipments to give you extra peace of mind. 

Q. How can I pay for my purchase?

A. We accept PayPal (any credit card) and or bank transfer to DBS account XXXXXXXXXXX.

Q. If I don't like my bag, can I get a refund or exchange? 

A. We strictly do not offer any refund/exchange. This is because we go to extra lengths to ensure we source the right product, give you 100% of the information you need before deciding what to buy. We also carefully inspect and pack all items before shipping to ensure your satisfaction.

Q. Do you accept international orders?

A. Yes we do. And we are currently shipping to you anywhere in the world please see our shipping info.

Q. How can you sell these designer purses at such low prices?

A. When you buy from the boutique you also pay for the overheads (boutique rental, advertising, etc) they carry. By going straight to official resellers of back-stocks they are able to sell it to us at a lower price, without any compromise on the bag quality. 

Q. Is my personal information secure?

A. We do not see or store your credit card information. So you can purchase a designer purse with the security of knowing that your information is safe.